Wednesday 24 October 2012

Good day's foraging

Mushrooms are late this year. A visit to the New Forest at the beginning of October drew a complete blank. Maybe the wet weather at the end of September has at last encouraged them to show - the profusion of Sulphur Tufts and Brown Roll Rims in my garden would suggest so. I spent a few days searching around my local woods in Warwickshire for something edible, and after drawing a few blanks, eventually this morning came up trumps.

Shaggy Parasols, Horse mushrooms (or maybe the similar Agaricus macrosporus), Wood Blewits and Oyster Mushrooms - and some Sweet Chestnuts. Shaggy Parasols can apparently cause stomach upsets in some people - fortunately no-one in my family.

A wild mushroom risotto is already on the menu!

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